Friday, March 6, 2015

On Monday March 9th, 2015 the town of Plainfield will be holding a hearing on the proposed Solid Waste Ordinance. It will be at 6:30 PM in the Municipal Building.  Below is the proposed text. (click on image to enlarge)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Route 2 Intersection in Plainfield update: The news is that $40,000 in the VTrans budget for FY15/16 earmarked for preliminary studies for the planned improvement of the "Peek-a-boo Corner" intersection, which, when completed, will include a stop light, a crosswalk and the elimination of the "island". It's a great sign that they are finally starting on this, but don't expect the project to be completed for another five years or so.
Thanks to David Strong for keeping this issue in front of the people at Vtrans. Dave dug up the following newspaper clip from the Times Argus in 1969.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

On August 11th, 2014, as a Selectman for the town of Plainfield Vermont, I wrote a letter to the CEO of Ford Motor Company and CC'ed all the directors. I asked them to consider making to donation to our Volunteer Fire Department. The town paid $4700 for an engine repair on a Ford vehicle that had clocked only 8500 miles. The model had a history of this specific kind of failure. No one from Ford or its affiliates alerted the town to the problem and we missed the warranty deadline. On Sept. 15 the town received a form letter from the company declining our request. In other words the Ford Motor Company believes the taxpayers and volunteer fireman should shoulder the cost for an error that most reasonable people would conclude is not of their making.  The first two images below are my original letter (click to see an enlarged image). The third window is Ford's response. Please feel free to forward the link to whomever you think would be interested.